Thursday, June 2, 2011

Common reasons for Disapproval of Google Adsense Account

Often people say that I could not create my Google Adsense account and whenever I apply for Google Adsense Google denies my account. Even I myself applied thrice before I got approved. There are various reasons that your account does not get accepted and Google mentions some of these reasons in the email sent to you. If you read the email properly you can understand some of the points why Google rejected it. 

   1. Too Many Tags: Tags are important in improving your page's visibility in the search engines. Relevant, brief, too the point tags should be provided along with articles. Search engines look for the tags that show what is inside your article. These tags are actually the keywords with which people search on different search engines. With in the article too you should not give too many keywords. Sometimes the article written is not that informative but it contains too many keywords so search engines will crawl in as there are many keywords but Google will not consider it a healthy webpage. The number of tags should be chosen according to the length and information present in the article. An article that is 10 lines long may not need to have 20 to 30 tags. Tags should be provided according to the quantity and quality of the article. Giving inaccurate and irrelevant tags with any article lessens your credibility with the search engines and even people who will come to see your website will not feel good for you and will never comeback. Like any business in modern world developing rapport with your customers is more important than having customers who once come and regret why they stopped by here. If you are providing irrelevant, excessive and unsuitable tags with your webpages you will not be able to get Google Adsense approval for your account. Your customers may increase but Google will not accept your application.

   2. Lack of Substantial Content: When you start writing on any website or on you personal website you should prefer to write few informative and original pages before you apply for Google Adsense. Google looks for content that customers would love to read from beginning till end. A website that contains very few articles will find it difficult to get Google Adsense approval. In the beginning prefer to write content that is of interest to readers so that Google consider your application. Give titles that are both catchy as well as popular. Never forget to write genuine and innovative content. My application once got rejected in the beginning because of lack of substantial content. If you are writing something on the Nail Art, it is better to have text as well as quality pictures and if possible videos too. Illustrated webpages are more valuable than webpages that contain only text. Again if pictures are not relevant don't add them.
3. Presence of Copied Content: (Plagiarism) Plagiarism is a literary theft and like as I said that irrelevant tags lessens your credibility, similarly, copied material can cause harm to your prestige in the cyber world. Its very easy for Google to find out copied material in any website or webpage. There are plagiarism checkers today that can track any copied material easily. Even you will disgrace yourself in front of your customers. Its very easy to copy from any place in the internet but such material will not be new and thus will not get good ranking in the search engines. As a result your page views will be very low and clicks too. On HubPages if you write any copied material HubPages does not publish your article so its good that copied material are prevented from publication.

   4. Invalid Clicks and Comments: Some people think that if they click on their webpages their views will increase and they will earn more but invalid clicks are considered as a fraud by the internet companies. If your account with Google Adsense is still not accepted invalid clicks will make it far difficult for you to get approval and if your account has got approval from Google Adsense than invalid clicks or impression can lead to cancellation of your account. In both cases it will never go in your favor. NEVER click on your ADS or on your webpages.

   5. Incomplete Websites/Webpages: Before submitting your application for Google Adsense you should have complete webpages that can be considered by Google. Incomplete webpages will not be accepted and your application will get rejected until you complete it and resubmit your form. Having few published webpages is better than having too many webpages that are in process and are not yet published. Unpublished pages will not be considered by Google.

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