If you have an experience with web marketing you probably realize that ads by Google are the most common on the internet. Google owns the internet.
Google adsense is one of the easiest ways to make money online, but you can easily lose all the revenue earned by making the slightest mistakes. When your Google account is disabled it can be very depressing and frustrating because for people with small websites it is probably the only way they monetize their website.
A while back I was searching for ways to make money online, and stumbled upon an article explaining how to start a blog and monetizing using Google adsense; little did I know that the adsense account would be disabled within no time. Getting banned from Google was an eye opener, but it was too late. Once your account is disabled by Google adsense it is very hard to get it back. It is important to read the Google adsense policy, lest you make the most stupid mistake and get banned.
Some of the most common mistakes people make while using Google ads include:
Having simulated or illegal clicks and page impressions
This is the biggest mistake that gets people's accounts disabled by adsense. Artificial clicks simulated by corrupted software can get you banned from the Google adsense program. Be very careful what code you add to your web pages, because it could land you in trouble with Google. Clicking on your own ads is also illegal according to the Google adsense policy. It is important to make sure that you have enough traffic to your website before you decide to monetize your website with Google, so you don't run the risk of losing your account because of other people clicking on the Google ads over and over. Beware that other people can knowingly or unknowingly sabotage your adsense account. Adsense doesn't really care to know the source of the excessive clicking. Build up your site first, and then you can monetize it.
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